BMA's Third Annual Gala Banquet
The St Julien Rocks Out
with the 2008 BMA Hero
A room full of City Council members, land managers, County Commissioners, BMA business members, and riders just like you. Add some fine brews from Oskar Blues and an auction with incredible items and we have a formula for a really great party. Click here to see pictures from the event.

"A BMA Hero works tirelessly on behalf of responsible recreational access to our public lands. A Hero furthers that which binds all BMA members together – the desire to ride sweet singletrack, to push our physical and technical limits, and to enjoy the outdoors. But a Hero does more than that. A BMA Hero goes beyond the call of duty in recognizing the benefits of recreation to our entire community. Recreation is how we bond with nature and renew our land ethic. Recreation provides us with a healthy outlet to relieve stress, exercise our bodies, and renew our spirit. A BMA Hero furthers this vision. A BMA Hero can be an advocate, a land manager, a politician, or one of you. What separates a Hero from the rest of us is that a Hero has improved all of our lives through his/her support of our passion. It is this passion that drives the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance, and it is with this passion that we recognize a BMA Hero."
The 2008 BMA Hero is Mike Patton, Director of the City of Boulder's Open Space and Mountain Parks Department. Mike's job of implementing the Visitor Master Plan can certainly be characterized as heroic. Changing both the culture of his department and the expectations of visitors to the lands he is charged to manage has been a herculean task. We thank Mike for his efforts and look forward to working with him and all of OSMP as we continue to roll out the VMP.
Mountain Bike Advocacy Needs Volunteers for Planning Processes
There are a two highly significant advocacy efforts that need to volunteers now to prepare for trail planning opportunities over the next year. We need people that will do their research and homework. They will need to attend meetings and engage members of the community and staff representing BMA and the needs of cycling.
What's coming?
The City of Boulder's West Trail Study Area - basically all trails in the mountain backdrop between Eldorado Springs Road up to Mount Sanitas are up for discussion later this year. There is no reason why we can't expand biking opportunities in this area - if we work for it. If you are willing to lead this effort or play a significant role, contact BMA's policy committee guru Jason Vogel
A revisit to the 1985 Betasso Preserve management plan, which now includes the Benjamin property. This process could significantly increase recreation opportunities as well. Boulder County needs to hear from the biking community early and often that expanding recreation in this area is extremely important. If you are willing to lead this effort or play a significant role, you can contact BMA's president Mike Barrow
We are collecting lists of interested advocates from scratch, so even if you have previously expressed interest, please send an email to Jason or Mike with your contact information, including phone number, so we can launch these critical trail advocacy efforts ASAP.
Trail Crew Leader Training in 2008
We Need YOU!
In 2008, we are looking to break the mold of how we plan and execute trail work events. Some of the actions already taken:
Scheduling crew leader training to expand our base of volunteer crew leaders. There is one set for April, and maybe another in May.
We are talking with the agencies NOW about getting hard dates months in advance.
We are working with OSMP and BCPOS on how to creatively expand our efforts and get more done
The biggest limiting factor that keeps us from doing more trail work is the lack of a crew leader pool. We need to have enough qualified trail crew leaders so nobody has to attend too many events. We are working with BCPOS and OSMP, along with REI, to schedule two trail crew leader training sessions. The first session is already full, but we have a second session in the May timeframe that is still available.
If you are interested in hearing more about this program, contact BMA Trail Work Director Jenn Archuleta at bma_jenn@yahoo.com.
BMA in the News
Read the article in the March 2008 issue of Bike Magazine

Betasso Management Plan Revisit
Starts February 26
BCPOS is ready to tackle the Betasso Managment Plan, first written in 1985. This also includes the acreage know previously as the Benjamin property, which was purchased and closed to the public last year. This is the first real opportunity that Boulder County has had to create a quality mountain bike experience for City of Boulder residents that would not involve the use of a car. Come out and give your input to staff at two open houses.
February 26, 2008
Boulder County Clerk and Recorders Office
Houston Room
1750 33rd St, Boulder, CO
4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Come Meet Will Shafroth
Democratic Candidate
Congressional District 2
Hear about his plans for the environment, health care,
and education and how we must end the war in Iraq.
Wednesday February 27, 2008
5:30pm – 7:00 pm
Join Host Doug Emerson at University Bikes
9th and Pearl Street
Boulder, Co
Please RSVP to Kevin@shafrothforCongress.com or by calling 303 681-6333
by Monday February, 25th.
Please also forward this on to anyone in the area.
To Learn More About Will Shafroth visit www.ShafrothForCongress.com
NOTE: This is not an endorsement from BMA. Will wants to meet BMA members, and we want you to make up your own mind.
BMA Loves Our Business Members!
Redstone Cyclery
Blue Sky Cycles
High Gear Cyclery
Oskar Blues Restaurant & Brewery
Performance Bike Shop
Cutting Edge Sports
University Bicycles
Sports Garage
Rocky Mounts
Full Cycle
Bitterbrush Cycles
Boulder Cycle Sport
The Fix
GEICO Local Office
Two Dog Diner in Prospect
Wonderland Hill Development Company
Botsy Phillips/Colorado Landmark Realtors
Copy Experts
Brian Sundberg/REMAX of Boulder
Athletic Excellence Training Solutions
Bicycle Village
Bikes Belong
Deuter USA
Boulder Beer
Boulder Business Products
Bob Maynard/Wright Kingdom Real Estate
Kustom Kar Audio
You don't have to be in the cycling industry to be a business member, These businesses understand the direct benefit of being part of BMA. Hey, they ride too!
Welcome to our newest business member
Catalyst Communications
MEMBER Benefit! Just mention that you are a BMA member at Bicycle Village and get 10% off any bike purchase through March 31!
We are grateful to all our supporters in the business community and look forward to years of "getting things done on the trails".
We have a lot going on these days, and a lot of it requires money to make it happen. Our volunteer trail work events with food and schwag, tool storage, website... it all adds up quickly. BMA has a business membership program to fund these needs. So you will start to see BMA stickers on your favorite bike shops and other businesses. If you see it displayed, be sure to mention that you are a BMA member/supporter and you appreciate their generosity and stewardship. And if you don't see a BMA sticker in your favorite shop, ask them why! And those of you who own a business, send mtnbikemike@gmail.com an email if you haven't heard from us about this program! You don't need to be a bike shop to be a business member, just interested in making better mountain biking in Boulder County.
BMA thanks those of you who have used the online membership functions to keep us afloat. And thanks to those of you who use snail mail too!
Be Part of the Solution! Join BMA NOW! Click Here
Thanks to the people that have joined or renewed since our last newsletter:
John Guillaume
Robert Ohl (Big Wheel!)
Julie Mallon
Pilar Prostko
Jason Vogel(Family)
Bryan Helstad
What's On the Horizon
National Trails Day - Picture Rock Trail - June 7
Tired of seeing trails closed to mountain bikes in Boulder County? Then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! Join the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance and join the fight to open trails. Send a $25 check to BMA, PO Box 4954, Boulder, CO 80306, or join by using our online Paypal webpage by clicking HERE
1 comment:
stress, get on outta here.
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