BMA & BAFF Present the Premier of "S E A S O N S"
A New Film by The Collective - Wednesday, April 30th, 7:30pm at the Boulder Theater
To Benefit the BMA Better Trails Fund & Boulder DEVO junior development team

Seasons is a film that follows 7 of the world’s top mountain bikers through the course of 4 seasons of one year. The film explores what it means to be a full time rider as told through the lives of downhill racers, slopestyle competitors, and big mountain freeriders. Come out and kick off your season with your riding friends and the rest of the cycling community at the Boulder Theater.
Tickets available via the Boulder Theater Box Office or contact Botsy Phillips with any questions. botsyphillips@hotmail.com or 720.629.5100
Bustin' Rocks With the Picture Rock Posse
Let's Do It Again This Weekend!
This week's session of the Picture Rock Posse was as challenging as advertised. BMA volunteers worked their way through 200 feet of jumbled rock on their way to the Great Wall of Heil, a massive switchback that will be one of the distinctive features of this trail.
The Posse was visited by County Commissioner Will Toor and City of Boulder Mayor Shaun McGrath, who happened to be riding Heil Valley Ranch's Wild Turkey Trail (and having a really good time) when President Mike Barrow encountered them. Karma dictated that we take a hike down to the work site and check it out.

Both Will and Shaun were blown away at the remoteness and sweet challenging singletrack that was being built. Awe and praise were given to the BCPOS Trail Crew when they saw the Great Wall of Heil. Pictures can be found here.
The Posse Needs Recruits!
We plan to be onsite again this weekend. We will continue our way through the rockiest section of this trail on our way to the Great Wall of Heil. If you are interested in particpating, click here to register. Our sincere thanks to those that attended April 19:
Eli Ohlhausen 2x
Jason Vogel
Scott Gordon
Stefan Richarz
Troy Mandery 2x
Andria Bilich
Jeff Stoerner 2x
Karen Newton
Logan Newton
John Honemann
Pete Webber
10 Miles End to End: A Remote Work Site
That's right, the shortest distance from the trailhead in Left Hand Canyon to the trailhead in Lyons is estimated at 10 miles. BCPOS held a field trip to review the trail corridor all the way to Lyons on April 3. You are going to LOVE this trail, but building it will be difficult, mainly because of the remoteness of the worksite. Pictures and a map are here.
Picture Rock Trail
Construction Event with BCPOS May 17
60 Volunteers Needed!
We are going back to the big bang event model on May 17. We are working with Boulder County to construct long stretches of relatively easy to build trail so the BCPOS Trail Crew can concentrate on the tough stuff.
It takes more than an hour to shuttle and hike workers to the construction site. Because of that reailty, we must expand the duration of our trail work events to a full day. Lunch will be provided as always, but the trail work event will have to run to late in the afternoon to get a reasonable amount of work done. We won't actually be working much longer than a typical BMA trail work event, but we'll be spending a lot of time getting in and out of the site. Shuttles will leave the parking lot/registration area at 8:30 am SHARP and shuttles will not leave the site until 3pm at the earliest.
For years, BMA has pushed Boulder County to embrace volunteer resources for getting work done on our trails. They are now delivering and it's time we stepped up to the challenge. It's an exciting time!
To sign up for the May 17 Trail work day, click here.
Can't swing a trail tool all day anymore? Logistics/volunteer support is just as important and we need help! Contact Mike Barrow at mtnbikemike@gmail.com
Boulder Mountain Bike Patrol
Kickoff Party Recap and Training Dates
Greetings intrepid (future and returning) patrollers! It was awesome to see so many of you at the Kickoff Party on April 15th at Boulder Beer Pub. The energy in the room was great, with a lot of excitement about doing our part to give back to the trails we love. We had such a huge turnout, it was hard to keep the appetizers coming fast enough!
As we announced at the party, Boulder Mountain Bike Patrol will be patrolling three main areas this year:
West Magnolia area (U.S. Forest Service)
South Boulder trails, including Marshall Mesa and Dowdy Draw (City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks)
Heil Valley & Hall Ranches (Boulder County Parks & Open Space).
And if you're thinking "oh no, does that mean I have to go to 3 different trainings?"... NO WAY, one training will allow you to patrol for all three agencies!
Mark your calendars with these training dates: (1) May 14 & 15 after work, *or* (2) May 17. That's two after-work sessions, or a single (longer) session on a Saturday, your choice - the same material will be covered in both trainings. We'll do a couple hours of classroom instruction, then head out on bikes to practice our patroller skills in the field. Watch this newsletter for future updates on the trainings, and please contact us at mountainbikepatrol@gmail.com with any questions you have.
BMA Loves Our Business Members!
Redstone Cyclery
Blue Sky Cycles
High Gear Cyclery
Oskar Blues Restaurant & Brewery
Performance Bike Shop
Cutting Edge Sports
University Bicycles
Sports Garage
Rocky Mounts
Full Cycle
Bitterbrush Cycles
Boulder Cycle Sport
The Fix
GEICO Local Office
Two Dog Diner in Prospect
Wonderland Hill Development Company
Botsy Phillips/Colorado Landmark Realtors
Copy Experts
Brian Sundberg/REMAX of Boulder
Athletic Excellence Training Solutions
Bicycle Village
Bikes Belong
Deuter USA
Boulder Beer
Boulder Business Products
Bob Maynard/Wright Kingdom Real Estate
Kustom Kar Audio
Catalyst Communications
Swift Cycling
Alta Physical Therapy
You don't have to be in the cycling industry to be a business member, These businesses understand the direct benefit of being part of BMA. Hey, they ride too!
We are grateful to all our supporters in the business community and look forward to years of "getting things done on the trails".
We have a lot going on these days, and a lot of it requires money to make it happen. Our volunteer trail work events with food and schwag, tool storage, website... it all adds up quickly. BMA has a business membership program to fund these needs. You will see BMA stickers on your favorite bike shops and other businesses. If you see it displayed, be sure to mention that you are a BMA member/supporter and you appreciate their generosity and stewardship. And if you don't see a BMA sticker in your favorite shop, ask them why! And those of you who own a business, send mtnbikemike@gmail.com an email if you haven't heard from us about this program! You don't need to be a bike shop to be a business member, just interested in making better mountain biking in Boulder County.
BMA thanks those of you who have used the online membership functions to keep us afloat. And thanks to those of you who use snail mail too!
Be Part of the Solution! Join BMA NOW! Click Here
Thanks to the people that have joined or renewed since our last newsletter:
John Noble
Christopher LeGault
Curtis Stevens (Big Wheel!)
David Moratelli
John Montgomery
Mike Koenig
What's On the Horizon
BMA Spring Film Night April 30
Picture Rock Trail - May 17
National Trails Day - Picture Rock Trail - June 7
Little Raven Trail - July 26 & August 23
Tired of seeing trails closed to mountain bikes in Boulder County? Then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! Join the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance and join the fight to open trails. Send a $25 check to BMA, PO Box 4954, Boulder, CO 80306, or join by using our online Paypal webpage by clicking here
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