From 4- 9 PM we'll have a hearty collection of the area's best roots music makers playing all Merle Haggard songs in honor of his 70th birthday on that Sunday.
The bands include Halden Wofford & the Hi Beams, Boulder Acoustic Society, K. C. Groves, Whiskey Trip, The Double 8's and Dave Richey.
Merle has written some of the best songs that ever tackled the subjects of drinking, heartbreak, prison, and good -- and tough -- times. He's Dale's favorite artist. The event also features a "Mama Tried" contest for the mama who sings the best rendition of a Haggard song. The bands will back performing moms if they like. The winner gets a $50 Oskar Blues gift certificate.
We're also hosting a contest for the best essay (500 words or less) from a mom detailing how much trouble her kids were to raise. The writer of the best one also gets a $50 gift certificate.
And if you can prove you turned 21 in prison like the subject of Merle's famed "Mama Tried" tune, well that gets you free beer and food for the day.
The affair will also feature great food from our outdoor smoker, too, since this will be our first "Smokedown Sunday" of the season.
Admission is $25 for music and food, and $15 for just music.
Proceeds from ticket sales go to the Blue Sky Bridge Foundation, a Boulder-based outfit that helps abused children. (Details: http://www.bluesk )
April 6 is also the birthday of Dale's mom, Ya Ya Katechis. She'll be one of the moms covering a Merle song.
To read a fascinating bio of Haggard go here: io.jhtml
Here are the lyrics to "Mama Tried": merle/mama-tried-507.html
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