We continue our bi-weekly audio podcast hipping you to the local & national touring acts whose music (like our beer) is way too flavorful for the mainstream as they make their way to our intimate brew-pub stage. The OB show is hosted by Lyons Bluesologiest Dave McIntyre. Stay tuned as Oskar Blues Radio brings you whats fresh at our Lyons brew-pub. Check out Oskar Blues Radio in the Podcast section of iTunes or HERE via our podbean homepage.
Our Music Calendar is always available HERE via our homepage.
October the first is a Thursday and we will have The Stanleytones www.stanleytonesbluegrass.com a fine bluegrass band from the area that have recently released a great CD. The 2nd is Friday and we will be featuring R. J. Mischo www.rjblues.com a great Chicago style harmonica player with Dan Treanor and his band from Denver backing him up. He is one of the best in the nation and really swings. Saturday is Romano Paoletti & Friends www.romanomusic.com Romano has just released his first full CD and it is terrific. It is always a party with Romano so come early if you want to sit. Sunday the 4th is Swing State www.nancythorwardson.com a fine vintage and modern swing band with a great line-up with Bill Ponterelli on clarinet. Mike Schikora www.mikeschikora.com will be having a CD release party on Monday night the 5th fresh from a tour of the upper Midwest a great singer/songwriter with a hot band. Come pick up a CD. Tuesday the 6th it will be The Lyons High School jazz band for their initial concert of this school year. Come and support these great kids, they work hard and sound good every year.
Wednesday the 7th is our local band night with Zach & Sean and The Insurgents. Thursday the 8th is Lil’ Bit and the Customatics www.thecustomatics.com Lil’ Bit is a great female vocalist in the old country style and the band is first rate and kicks butt. Maynard Mills www.maynardmills.com and the boys will be here Friday the ninth. Maynard is an outstanding guitar player and always pays tribute to the old masters with some dobro slide. Round Mountain www.myspace.com/roundmountainmusic from New Mexico plays Saturday the 10th a duo that feature two brothers that are multi-instrumentalists and play folk/world music with a twist check em’ out they are very entertaining. Sunday the 11th it’s The Mighty High Band a tribute to The Jerry Garcia band. They do all those funky R&B tunes The JGB did in their day. Great dancing music. Monday the 12th is our monthly acoustic plug-in jam and open stage hosted by Patrick Cullie Peter Maves and Brian Donnell all are welcome. Thursday the 15th is The Tyler Grant band www.tylergrant.org a hot bluegrass band featuring National flat-picking champion Tyler Grant great original and classic bluegrass tunes.
Friday the 16th it is the return of the Lionel Young band www.myspace.com/lionelyoung Lionel will be on the Legendary Blues Cruise with his band Sunday the 18th jamming with all the greats come and send him off proper. Saturday the 17th is Crowboy www.myspace.com/crowboymusic from Boulder a fine alt-country style band with lots of great original tunes they really cook. Sunday the 18th is a new rockabilly band called The Redline Rockets www.redlinerockets.com and as their name suggest they are on the rise their new CD is chock full of great rockin’ hits. Niwot High School will be at Oskar’s on Monday the 19th starting around 7pm they are a great bunch of kids and are quite good, come hear them play for you. Tuesday the 20th is a special show with Uncle Monk www.unclemonk.com a bluegrass duo staring Tommy Ramone, yes folks that is The Tommy Ramone from the quintessential punk rock group from New York City. He plays and sings real true bluegrass and it’s good. Wednesday the 21st is out Tribute night and this month we are doing The Grateful Dead hosted by Oskar’s own Jamie Lunde of Awnry girl productions, they are always fun nights of great music by local artists. Thursday the 22nd marks the return of Slipstream www.theslipstream.com with Jamie Stone on banjo they are a fine acoustic group made up of many outstanding musicians. Friday it’s the Delta Sonics band www.deltasonics.com featuring Al Chesis on the harmonica arguably the best local harp player in Denver with a new CD finally, come and get a copy of it. Saturday the 24th is a legend from Chicago Billy Branch who played with Muddy Waters and many more Chicago greats he is in town doing Blues in the schools for the Colorado Blues Society and we are lucky to get him here to play a show for us don’t miss this master. Sunday it’s a Wedding celebration for Patty & Chris K. a local music celebrity who will have many different bands playing all day for them starting around 4pm come on by and wish them luck. Monday the 26th is our Django jam hosted by David Williams www.decodjango.com they play from 7-9pm and it is a delight to hear them do Django Reinhardt music so well. Jamie Lunde www.winterparkconcerts.com will be bringing her great band in for a night of alt-country original tunes with a few classic covers on the 28th for your listening enjoyment. Jamie writes lots of great tunes and sings her heart out. Thursday it’s Pokey LaFarge www.myspace.com/pokeylafarge from St. Louis back for some more Riverboat Soul. Pokey is very unique and really can play that old-time music like nobody else, check him out he is very good and lots of fun. Friday the 30th is Halden Wofford www.Hibeams.com and the Hi-Beams our favorite Honky-tonk band. It is always a party with The H-Beams so make sure you get there early and be prepared to stay late. We end the month with a big Halloween party with our favorite local rockers The Interstate Stash Express www.myspace.com/interstatestashexpress with Terry and the boys wear your best costume and come away with a big prize, it’s always a gas on Halloween. Make sure you wear a costume for lots of fun.
See ya at the joint.
David Lyons Bluesologist McIntyre
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