We headed north past Fort Collins in tow of Boulder Business Products Troy & Karen to Soapstone Prairie Natural Area & the Fort Collins Ten FIDY release at Moe's BBQ. It's a wonderland of quiet open spaces, vista's & home of mucho wind blown trails. We set out to cover a good amount of the area to see what it's all about since Troy was itchin' and none of us had seen or heard anything about the area.

The whole thing is very well marked. There was a chatty attendant in the Entrance Station...one of the few people we saw all day.

Dale & Scott head outta the trailhead from Lindenmeier Overlook over grasslands.

The terrain is single speed friendly.

Dale & Troy weave in & out of rock formationa on the way to Mahogany Loop.

Joining onto the long & windy Canyon Trail. W I N D Y for 3.4 miles.

Heading up The Canyon Trail

We took shelter from the wind to regroup near a windmill.

The wide open view of Wyoming.

Troy & Karen reach the CHeyenne Rim Trail & cool views.

Views from the Big Hole open space looking toward Red Mountain Open Space. I'm thinking the Salt Lick trail instead of the wash areas from here if you want to ride Red Mtn in the direction.

More views down Red Canyon.

Views from the bottom of Ruby Wash Trail

Views from Sand Creek looking south.

Dale crosses the Sand Creek on on the way to Big Hole Wash Trail.

Dale on the Cheyenne Rim Trail with super cool views along the ridge.

Back to grassland heading down Cheyenne Rim Trail to the Entrance Station.

Dale & Scott insight of the Beer after climbing up the west side of Pronghorn Loop. I would suggest going DOWN this, supper twisty & turny.

Karen & Scott hunker down against the wind to share a DPA & food.
We'll probably avoid the wash trails on the next go around..thinking of making a loop just on the Soapstone Praire side. Parking at the Entrance Station & head out east on the Pronghorn loop, then back up to hit the Mehogany loop before heading back down the Pronghorn loop west side trail.
Or, if you dig the views from the Cheyenne Rim Trail park at the Entrance station & head up the Cheyenne Rim trail. Hit an out and back past the Canyon Trail to get the views from the Wyoming Big Hole Open space before heading over to the Mahogany Loop & Prongorn Loop descent via the Canyon Trail (if the wind is the same direction).
...off to the Ten FIDY release party at Moe's BBQ. Good 'Q & Big Stout = big fun.
You didn't mention WINDY enough, or typhoony, or tornado-esque, or Toto and Dorothy get blown to OZ-ish..
Or ..... damn wish I had a bike kite
Could have covered the 4 hours in less than a half hour....and had more energy to drink the Fidy later
I've been there a couple times since it opened. It's windy. lol
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