From: Phil Ivers
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 10:31 AM
To: Dale Katechis
Cc: Brian Ivers; Phil A Ivers
Subject: AT Hiker "Ten Fidy" Carries Ten Fidy Brand The 2,183 Miles of the Applachian Trail
This is from Phil Ivers, father of Brian Ivers, aka "Ten Fidy" (to hikers on the Appalachian Trail) whom you met during the recent GABF Weekend. When we told you about the Ten Fidy can that Brian carried for six months and 2,183 miles from North Georgia to Maine, you had expressed an interest in getting some photos of Brian with his Ten Fidy can. So here they are.
HOW THIS GOT STARTED: After getting a glowing report on Ten Fidy beer from a pal who biked the ocean coast in Californina, Brian had been looking for some Ten Fidy for months, but to no avail. On his last night in civilization before getting a ride to the AT trailhead, Brian finally found some Ten Fidy in an Atlanta suburb and took it with him on the ride to the State Park in northern Georgia where the hiking adventure began. Enjoying it on his last night in the civilized world, he deemed the beer so good that he decided to take one empty can with him on the hike, perhaps to remind him of his last pre-hike pleasure and giving him motivation to succeed in his quest.
By tradition, AT hikers are known to each other only by a trail name, which other hikers bestow upon them in the early days of their hike. Brian's fellow hiker, whom Brian dubbed "Groom" in light of the fact that he was hiking to his wedding at the end of trail, bestowed upon Brian his trail name of "Ten Fidy", and for the next six months, even his friends and family began to use that name in honor of Brian's hike. In fact, before the hike ended, dozens and dozens of friends and family were following the hike on the web blog site "Groom and Ten Fidy's Long Walk" (www.thatsalongwalk.com) which is still operational and includes some of the attached photos. There are six months worth of great stories and updates from the AT uploaded by Brian via iPhone on this site as well as six months worth of follower support and encouragement.
Since we cannot get Ten Fidy here in Missouri, you can imagine what a treat is was for Brian, his brother-in-law Cory and me to get to savor it in Denver when we met you. Which is a good point for me to thank you for your hospitality and kindness shown to us when we met you. I can assure you that Brian getting to meet you like that really put some wonderful closure on his whole AT Adventure. Thank you being so interested and for treating us so kindly.
Thanks for seeing the synergy between the wonderful thing you all do for a living at Oskar Blues and what Brian accomplished while carrying your brand with him!

Best wishes for continued brewing success! Oskar Blues brews are all fabulous beers! -- phil
Phil Ivers

That is one helluva beard! Congrats on the huge thruhiking accomplishment!
Ten Fidy is such a CHAMPION! Way to represent!!!
I happen to know Ten-Fidy also drinks bourbon on occasion!
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