Time to Show Up!
OSMP Moves Forward
With New Trails in South Boulder
To Be Open in 2008
Please make plans to attend the OSBT meeting on Wednesday, May 14, in City Council Chambers at Broadway and Canyon. We need positive voices urging OSMP staff to keep pushing the Visitor Master Plan implementation forward.
OSMP has awarded contracts to build the Flatirons Vista trail and about half of the Springbrook Loop (known as trail 14). Contractors will be onsite in August to build and complete these new trails by the end of September.
The second half of the Springbrook Loop, known as trail 13, will be presented to the Open Space Board of Trustees on May 14. We need to show up in numbers to support staff and their efforts to provide quality trail experiences for all users. The final alignment of this trail has been under development for most of this year, and staff has finally settled on an alignment. We are happy with the results.
Some talking points:
The monitoring report on the High Plains Trail shows excellent compliance. 98% compliance, and the 2% that leave the trail aren't on bikes. Trail width is still 18" in most places. no expansion of trail width....bikes ride in single file... a bike trail in an HCA... working VERY well
User conflict - the shock of bikes on Doudy Draw is wearing off and although we had a flurry of complaints after it was first open to bikes, complaints now are few and far between
There is a perception of bike/hike/horse conflict... trail design has more to do with that than anything else
There is plenty of monitoring going on in this area - but most of the animals will figure out where the trails are and adapt... they won't go extinct.
Bikes stay on the trail....
Draw attention to access growth throughout the County. This place isn't going to be overrun by bikes... this will disperse the use across the region... and actually decrease impacts overall
We need discount the notion that parking by cyclists will not negatively impact parking in Doudy Draw and South Boulder Creek.
Bike Patrol - we get to hammer that one.
Click HERE for a link to OSMP maps and information on these new trails!
Boulder Mountain Bike Patrol
Training This Week Only!
It's time to get the patrol going for the Boulder Area! Boulder Mountain Bike Patrol (BMBP) is a volunteer mountain bike organization dedicated to promoting responsible riding and trail use on our public lands, providing a service to all trail users, and participating in this mission by riding our bikes. To patrol, you ride select trails and provide simple, helpful services (give directions to trail users, help with minor mountain bike repairs), then report your patrol time via an easy web form after your ride.
BMBP provides service to three different land management agencies by riding trails throughout Boulder County, including: West Magnolia;
Marshall Mesa; Hall, Heil Valley, and Walker Ranches; Betasso Preserve; Rabbit Mountain. If you already ride these areas regularly, consider joining BMBP - you can chalk up your rides as "volunteer time". If you want to ride more, BMBP provides a great way to branch out! All speeds and skill levels are welcome.
We are offering two training sessions this year and you only need to attend one (session A or session B) which qualifies you as a patroller for all 3 agencies and all of the trail systems listed above! Spaces are limited in Session A. Sign up if you plan to attend so that we have enough training materials, pizza, and soda on hand for everyone.
Training Session A: May 14th @ the Boulder USFS office off of Hwy 36 (2140 Yarmouth Avenue) at 5:30pm to 8pm (classroom session) and May
15th @ the Marshall Mesa Trailhead in South Boulder at 5:30 to 8pm (field session). Dinner will be served (pizza and soda/water). You must attend both nights to complete the training and be qualified to Patrol. The times may be shorter and get out earlier if we keep the trainings moving along; group ride (light permitting) and/or Southern Sun options after the May 15th session.
Training Session B: Sunday, May 18th @ the Cherryvale OSMP Offices (Cherryvale Road, about 1/4 mile south of the intersection with South
Boulder Road), meeting 9am to roughly 2pm. A light breakfast of bagels and juice will be served and lunch (pizza and soda/water). We will do a classroom session in the morning and then head out to the Marshall Trailhead for some field scenarios; group ride and Southern Sun options afterwards.
Click HERE to register for training session A (May 14 & 15)
Click HERE to register for training session B (May 18)
To learn more about BMBP, please contact us at mountainbikepatrol@gmail.com
BMA Film Night at the
Boulder Theater
BMA teamed up with the Boulder Adventure Film & we sold out the Boulder Theater for the 1st Annual BMA film night where we showed the premier of SEASONS a new mtn bike film by the Collective. It was a great night that made you want to get on your bike and rip with your friends.
The evening benefited Boulder DEVO / Tokyo Joe’s Junior Development Team & the BMA Better Trails Fund. We raised $2000 to help the future of our sport travel to races this summer and $4000 to build new trails in Boulder County! We also had a bunch of new members join BMA to be part of Boulder County trail movement. If you would like to join BMA, click HERE.
We showed 2 short films, Fixie Dave, a film Directed and Produced by local film maker Terry Breheny and Mondays, a film by a Daniel Stewart from Victoria British Columbia. We also had an on stage trials demo from Ripstoke the talent local trials demo team.
We look forward to seeing you at next spring’s BMA film night!
Wednesday Evening Rides
No Drop and Open to All
Spring is here and BMA is celebrating by kicking off a new program of weekly social rides. Beginning the first week in May, we'll be hosting local mountain bike rides every Wednesday evening. These are no-drop, social rides open to everyone. You don't have to be a BMA member or an expert rider to come along, meet other riders, and just have fun.
Rides are open to everyone from beginners all the way through retired Pro riders. The rides are very social and give riders a chance to meet other men and women who mountain bike in a relaxed environment. All riders (members & non-members ) will need to sign a simple waiver prior to the ride. To help get rides started on time, we urge riders to down load and bring a signed waiver to the trailhead.
For May's ride schedule and to register for a ride, click HERE.
The Picture Rock Report

This was their "Four Days in May" project, where New Vista students participate in projects that allow students to give back to the community, earn school credit and have fun. Close to 1000 feet of trail were built and/or finished by this intrepid bunch.
Props to Al Hardy and Mike Rutter and his crew from BCPOS, Ivette Visbal and Andrew Spetzler from New Vista High School, Adam Massey, Duncan Wheeler and Mark McIntyre from BMA. Congratulations to the students from New Vista - you made this a great project! Pictures are HERE.
On Saturday, the Picture Rock Posse continued that work on some very challenging rocky sections. The Posse will be taking a weekend off this Saturday, as BMA teams up with BCPOS and REI to hold our first 2008 trail work event. Registration was maxed out over two weeks ago, so we'll have an interesting report describing what 70 volunteers can do when they are set loose to build trail.
The next big trail event will be on National Trails Day, June 7. We are planning on having the biggest volunteer trail construction event ever held in Boulder County. We will originate in Lyons, and work our way south toward Left Hand Canyon. A lunch will be provided by BCPOS and followed by a BBQ put on by OSKAR BLUES. To register for the National Trails Day Event on June 7, click HERE.
Can't swing a trail tool all day anymore? Logistics/volunteer support is just as important and we need help! Contact Mike Barrow at mtnbikemike@gmail.com
BMA Loves Our Business Members!
Redstone Cyclery
Blue Sky Cycles
High Gear Cyclery
Performance Bike Shop
Cutting Edge Sports
University Bicycles
Sports Garage
Rocky Mounts
Full Cycle
Bitterbrush Cycles
Boulder Cycle Sport
The Fix
GEICO Local Office
Two Dog Diner in Prospect
Wonderland Hill Development Company
Botsy Phillips/Colorado Landmark Realtors
Copy Experts
Brian Sundberg/REMAX of Boulder
Athletic Excellence Training Solutions
Bicycle Village
Bikes Belong
Deuter USA
Boulder Beer
Boulder Business Products
Bob Maynard/Wright Kingdom Real Estate
Kustom Kar Audio
Catalyst Communications
Swift Cycling
Alta Physical Therapy
The Pro's Closet
You don't have to be in the cycling industry to be a business member, These businesses understand the direct benefit of being part of BMA. Hey, they ride too!
We are grateful to all our supporters in the business community and look forward to years of "getting things done on the trails". We have a lot going on these days, and a lot of it requires money to make it happen. Our volunteer trail work events with food and schwag, tool storage, website... it all adds up quickly. BMA has a business membership program to fund these needs. You will see BMA stickers on your favorite bike shops and other businesses. If you see it displayed, be sure to mention that you are a BMA member/supporter and you appreciate their generosity and stewardship. And if you don't see a BMA sticker in your favorite shop, ask them why! And those of you who own a business, send mtnbikemike@gmail.com an email if you haven't heard from us about this program! You don't need to be a bike shop to be a business member, just interested in making better mountain biking in Boulder County.
BMA thanks those of you who have used the online membership functions to keep us afloat. And thanks to those of you who use snail mail too!
Be Part of the Solution! Join BMA NOW! Click HERE
Thanks to the people that have joined or renewed since our last newsletter:
Peter Lopinto(Family)
Eric Zacharias (Big Wheel)
Katherine Rau
Lyons Outdoor Games
May 30-June 1
This looks to be an event series worth attending and/or participating in. BMA has been chosen as one of the beneficiaries of this event, which includes competitive and fun kayak and bike events. Presented by our good friends at OSKAR BLUES, we'll be talking this event up as it approaches.
If you would be interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Glenn at glenn@bitterbrushcycles.com
What's On the Horizon
Picture Rock Trail - May 17
National Trails Day - Picture Rock Trail - June 7
Lyons Outdoor Games May 30 - June 1
Little Raven Trail - July 26 & August 23
Tired of seeing trails closed to mountain bikes in Boulder County? Then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! Join the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance and join the fight to open trails. Send a $25 check to BMA, PO Box 4954, Boulder, CO 80306, or join by using our online Paypal webpage by clicking HERE
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