Saturday we awoke to perfect blue skies and with JT catering sizzlin up some incredible spicy sausage burritos, we were ready to attack the Ribbon Trail. As a result of 4 too many Dales Pale Ale goodness, we missed the early shuttle and took our sweet time getting ready for the second shuttle. Well the second took much longer than we anticipated so we jumped in the blue van and made our way the to the trail head. Aaron and I were not too familiar with the area so we rode up the Tabeguache trail, onto the road and to the top of the ribbon. While riding the road the second shuttle passed us so as Roscoe P. Coltrane says, "We were in hot pursuit, aahhhguuuuguuuuu". Although we never caught the group we enjoyed the descent after spending about an hour or so trying to find the singletrack that takes you off of the huge slickrock that begins the ribbon. We found a group that showed the way and we were gone.
After a great ride, we pulled into the trailhead parking to find the whole crew literally dying for dales because they saw the van sitting there with no keys. So cracked the doors and we all had some ice cold heaven in a can and shared our stories of the trail and showed each other the scrapes and bruises that we'd accrued from the ride. Then it was back to the campsite for bunnyhop comps, the limbo and liver killin. I don't have any good photos from the comps cuz my camera failed me but here is what I have.
Aaron Egge, my right hand man.

The talent

Looking for the damn singletrack off the ribbon

Post ride spirits

the Yeti Muscle.
Schuman - is the "talent" Aaron, or the other thing in the picture that you are pointing at?
Need you ask? I got a whole roll of film of talent. Mission #1 was keeping coolers full and Mission #2 was getting a photo of all the talent. Good fun.
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