We're loading up & ready to hit the road for this year's MSC#3 Chili Challenge. This is the biggest show on the calendar, hope you all can make it out. If you have to stay local keep an eye on the
Lyons Fat Tire Fest right here in our fantastic small town. The river is raging so grab a tube or a kayak for the weekend, should be perfect for the
Lyons Outdoor Games next weekend. Whatever your plans are this weekend you might want to fill the backpack with a couple of Colorado's easiest traveling, most prolific, biggest freaking bombastic, concupiscent beer in a can. Please have a fun & safe Memorial day weekend, cheers!
Looks like the weather in Angel Fire, NM will be perfect.
con·cu·pis·cent [kon-kyoo-pi-suhnt,]
1. lustful or sensual.
2. eagerly desirous.
Wow! What a vocabulary!
I would say I came up with the word but the Greeks & Romans are still fighting over that one.
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