There's a beer war going on out there people, we're getting pages set up for each of our big bodacious beers so you are armed with the biggest baddest beer in a can.

HERE to view the official Dale's Pale Ale facebook page.

...and here's
Mama's page HERE.

Gordon is brewed in tribute to the late Gordon Knight, a Colorado craft beer pioneer and Vietnam vet who died fighting a 2002 wild fire outside of Lyons. Check out the official facebook page
Crack the top & rub the chub, the official
Old Chub Scottish Ale facebook page is HERE.
Ten FIDY (10% ABV) is made w/ enormous amounts of two-row malt, chocolate malt, roasted barley, flaked oats & hops....
check out TenFidy's facebook page HERE.You can view the official Oskar Blues Brewery facebook page
HERE as well.
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