The daily group shot leaving Crested Butte

Jeremy & Adam heading out of town.

The Brick Oven boys lead the group out of CB with 128 miles to go. Thanks for the pull.

Dave Chichura & Arlo Grammatica share a brew at the Colorado Boy Pub & restaurant...still 7 more miles to go.

Arlo, got sun?

Orli, post flat rolls in.

Adam Avery leads into Ouray.

Sheddin' clothes & grabbing beer after a long hard day in the saddle.

Cold beer & cold water was the perfect answer. Cheers!
Very good blog.
man, you guys gotta open this up to the public. nothing too big. maybe a lottery...or charitable donation buys you a spot. something like that. looks like a great time. could be a huge event.
hell, i'll plan it.
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