Howdy, Fort Collins has finally come up with a date that looks good to lots of folks, Hopefully You too!!!!!
We are hosting a Bike Polo-Hockey Bru-ha-ha to be held on the 23rd of October 2010. The exact location will be announced soon but be ready that morning with a team of 4 players. The rules will be the same as the legendary Lyons tourney of 09. (footsie does a circle, no bike on bike, no stick on bike, no foot on bike, no T-bone or otherwise jack-ass behavior. These get-togethers have always been awesome fucking fun. R.S.V.P as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly. Shoot an E-mail to -- playstands@hotmail.com -- So far there are many teams attending
Durango Malletheads
Carbondale Stompa's (maybe 2 teams ?????)
Fort Collins Belfry boys
Fort Collins Wa-bashers
at least 2 other Fort collins teams who's names we do not know yet.
We would love to see some of the teams that have attended past tourneys. Steel horse??? Business in the front????? If you know anyone who may be interested please foreword this e-mail.
* This tourney will be free of charge.
*We will use a #1 aka Mini soccer ball.
* Some type of uniform-costume is a must (it helps the players and spectators)-same color shirt is just fine.
*Wear a helmet if you wish. Wear a Tu-tu if you wish. Wear a pistol if you wish.
* At stake is the Colorado Cup (currently held by "The Belfry Boys" of Fort Collins Bike Hockey)
Come take it from us!! --We are tired of granting interviews and entertaining groupies. The pressures of being state champions have caused us all to become unsightly with gain weight and contract exotic venereal diseases. The wine, women, and song has to stop sometime.
* Round Robin in the morning (11:00 AMish) soon followed by tournament play.
*More info as it comes in.
Are you gonna rally a team? I'm in for sure. If you already have one team, I can try to rally another one. Let me know Joe...
As a non-bicyclist, I'm intrigued. Better than auto-racing, since the pain is closer and more visible.
But I think you need more personal stories to drive up interest - like father-son conflicts across teams. Promote it the way sportscasters would announce it.
I was also a non-bicyclist back when I lived in Boulder - I lived on the Hill. I do note that there aren't any teams from Boulder. Out of some remnant loyalty - I'm pleased that my fellow citizens won't be joining Jaws-like sharing-shark-bite-scar-scenes.
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